Last Night I got to go see Avengers: Infinity War and let me tell you...GO SEE IT!! I have to be honest, I didn't like Avengers: Age of Ultron, I just felt like sometimes when you try and do too much, it doesn't work and the story wasn't that strong. HOWEVER, they got it right with Infinity War!
For those who have maybe missed a of the movies leading up to this, you won't be that lost if you pay attention. It's pretty clear on what's going on. Sometimes you might be confused on characters if you REALLY don't pay attention, but for fans of the franchise you won't be confused.
Everyone did such a great job and my Boo Boo THOR is the ISH! I love him!
The movie looks good, feels good, movies nicely and ALL of the reveals are so bad ass! And yes I even cried...a tiny a bit! It is a bit long but I was SO ok with that! Now I don't want to give too much away so I'll leave you with this...don't let anyone OVER hype it for you and avoid all spoilers. GO see it ASAP!